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The Graphic Aug 13 1910 Charing

The art of Ludwig Meidner and J. Alphege Brewer
in 1910 before they went in different directions.
At top, Ludwig Meidner's "Bau der Untergrunbahn" (Subway Construction in Berlin). Below it, J. Alphege Brewer's  "Charing Cross As It Looks Today," published in The Graphic. Note that where Meidner places a derrick, Brewer centers Nelson's Column.

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Above, Ludwig Meidner's 1912 "Apokalyptische Landschaft." Below, his 1913 "Bombardement einer Stadt."

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Meidner Strasse am Kreuzberg, Berlin SW

Above: Ludwig Meidner's 1918 "Strasse am Kreutzberg." Top: J. Alphege Brewer's "Into the Light," copyrighted in 1933 and recorded by the Fine Art Trade Guild the following year. The overt Christian imagery in the Brewer is foreign to Meidner’s Nietzschean mindset; the towers are rising toward ethereal bliss rather than being twisted in psychological angst.

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